Wednesday, 12 March 2014

My brother

This is my drawing of my brother and he loved it. 

Shading and sketching

My first experiment on various kinds of sketching and shading. 

Casual drawing on V day

This was a simple drawing and coloring. 

My birthday cake

We thought of making home made cake this time and since the theme was butterfly , we made the shape of cake to look like butterfly. How is it?

Ant drawing

I and my classmate had to do a project on Insects and we chose Ant. This is the drawing that I did so that we wear this and talk about Ant. 

Ant craft

This was the craft I made for my monthly competition on the subject of insects- Ant. Legs are missing but forgot to take photo after fixing legs and coloring . 

Dedicating a drawing for social science teacher

This is for my mam. Today they taught me this subject and I liked the session. So this drawing is to express gratitude and my interest to mam. 

My dear Cuckoo

This is a quick drawing of cuckoo. I got inspired by cuckoo in a note book and drew this :) I just love my cuckoo

Pongal rangoli

I love Rangoli art. First pongal in our new house and I did this with chalk. My grandma traced my chalk drawing with rangoli white powder. Then it's me n my brother did the filling with color powder. Hope you enjoy the rangoli.